The Chainlink Hackathon kicks off April 28th! Register today to compete for $350K+ in prizes.

Supported Networks

Chainlink Functions is supported on the Sepolia and Polygon Mumbai testnets.

Read the LINK Token Contracts page to learn where to get testnet LINK and ETH.

Contract addresses

If you are using a cross-chain bridge to transfer your LINK tokens, read the Bridges and Associated Risks guide to understand what cross-chain bridges are and the risks associated with using them.

Ethereum Sepolia testnet

Functions Oracle proxy0x649a2C205BE7A3d5e99206CEEFF30c794f0E31EC
Functions Oracle Registry proxy0x3c79f56407DCB9dc9b852D139a317246f43750Cc
LINK/ETH price feed0x42585eD362B3f1BCa95c640FdFf35Ef899212734

Polygon Mumbai testnet

Functions Oracle proxy0xeA6721aC65BCeD841B8ec3fc5fEdeA6141a0aDE4
Functions Oracle Registry proxy0xEe9Bf52E5Ea228404bB54BCFbbDa8c21131b9039
LINK/ETH price feed0x12162c3E810393dEC01362aBf156D7ecf6159528

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